Friday, December 11, 2015

Jacob Bair

Dear Jacob,

You recently turned one year old, ALREADY! It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital, we held you in our arms, and your sister walked in with a huge smile full of love. Now you are not only walking, but moving our kitchen chairs to climb onto to then climb onto the kitchen counters. You love to pull everything out of the kitchen drawers and cupboards. You love your sister and follow her around like a shadow. You are quick to smile and I love listening to you laugh.

We've had a few medical concerns with you and we've done our fair share this last year of visiting multiple doctors, hospitals, and other professionals. You've had our concerned hearts before you left the womb. I'm grateful for your health. You've shown me that despite any concerns that there might be, "Life can be enjoyed, and not just endured." You amaze me!

I want to be a good father for you. I want you to know that I love you. I want to be there for you, everyday! When I'm at work I enjoy it, but I also look forward to coming home and playing. It is easy for me to be distracted  by the chores of daily life that need done. I need to spend more time rolling around on the floor playing with you.

I want you to believe in our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is real. He loves you. He knows you. There is a purpose to this life and a plan for all of us to return to life with our Savior and Father in Heaven. I hope my actions show you that I know Christ and am trying to follow Him.

One year passed. Let's have fun with this next one!

I love you son,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

They are both so cute, and growing so fast.